Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students   (4)
Parents and teachers do not estimate the magnitude of the work given them in training the young. The experience of the children of Israel was written for us “upon whom the ends of the world are come.” 1 Corinthians 10:11. As in their day, so now the Lord would have the children gathered out from those schools where worldly influences prevail, and placed in our own schools, where the word of God is made the foundation of education. (CT 166.1) MC VC
If ever we are to work in earnest, it is now. The enemy is pressing in on all sides, like a flood. Only the power of God can save our children from being swept away by the tide of evil. The responsibility resting upon parents, teachers, and church members, to do their part in co-operation with God, is greater than words can express. (CT 166.2) MC VC
To train the young to become true soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ is the most noble work ever given to man. Only devout and consecrated men and women, who love children and can see in them souls to be saved for the Master, should be chosen as church-school teachers. Teachers who study the word of God as it should be studied will know something of the value of the souls under their care, and from them the children will receive a true Christian education. (CT 166.3) MC VC
In the closing scenes of this earth’s history many of these children and youth will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in simplicity, yet with spirit and power. They have been taught the fear of the Lord, and their hearts have been softened by a careful and prayerful study of the Bible. In the near future many children will be endued with the Spirit of God, and will do a work in proclaiming the truth to the world, that at that time cannot well be done by the older members of the church. (CT 166.4) MC VC